What does a Reiki session look like?

Prior to the session, there will be a few minutes of discussion to address any areas of particular concern, set an intention, and/or answer questions. The client, fully clothed, usually lays on a massage table or in a comfortable chair.  Kathleen will do a mini guided meditation to help both her and the client settle in and relax.  She will then put her hands on or right above the client's head, and will work her way around the body, completing a series of hand placements.  Most sessions are done in silence with light background music, but feel free to talk with Kathleen if you would like.  It is your time.  The session will be about 45 minutes to an hour.  Confidentiality and privacy are kept at all times.  As an International Association of Reiki Professionals' (IARP) member, Kathleen Perich abides by the IARP's Code of Ethics.


What will I experience?

Each experience is unique to every individual.  Some clients may feel heat, coolness, a pulsing or tingling sensation, or simply nothing at all.  Common responses include a state of deep relaxation and an overall sense of peace and balance. 

Is it safe?

Yes.  Reiki is safe for anyone and for any situations including pregnant women and children.  It is NOT used as a substitute for medical treatment, but is often used to support medical treatment.

Is Reiki a religion?

No.  Reiki is not a religion and it isn't affiliated with a religion, but some people use it conjunction with their religion.  Sometimes people confuse it with "faith healing" because of the "laying on of hands" - this isn't the case with Reiki.  Instead of relying on a religious figure for direct intervention, Reiki is energy that works within the body, yielding its own results.